I am Debjoy.

I am a web developer and I designing

Here are some of my works.

Most of the projects here are opensource, marked as " " symbol. Rest of them are not opensource due to security depencencies. Checkout the links provided along with descriptions.

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This app will help users to bookmark a location so that the user can find the location later. Also If someone shares their location over any messaging platform the user can directly click on that location to mark that place in the PlaceMark app.


I collaborated with Debadri Samaddar and Dipan Chakraborty to make a forum where people can share their ideas about anything related to technology. It was fun working with friends and learning as we went on with the project.

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COVID-19 India Tracker

This is an unofficial covid-19 tracker website created using the open-source api maintianed by COVID19-India. This website shows the number of affected, deats, recoverd and active patients in all over India state wise and country wise.

ResultTracker App

This an Android Application where a student can enter their marks and at the end of the day can see his or her performance analysis with respect to different subjects, academic year, and many more.

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It is a repository of superhero/supervillain stats featuring the new Neumorphism design trend, light/dark theme, etc. You can search any of your superheros to get information about them within minutes.


This is a web based patient's record management system created for SAMSA with login, logout provisions of users, adding new or deleting an user by a superuser. Adding, updating, deleting, printing a patient's record.

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News App

It is an Android application for fetching top news fetched from News Api. It can open a news article, bookmark it, search for a news article using keywords and change location of news. It also can clear data and cache.


This is the official website of Viento Travels. This website has a proper trip managment and order-management system at the backend. Various search engine optimisations have been applied and overall speed optimisations are done as well.

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Mental Health

This is a web based chat application between teachers and students. Students are given the options to be anonymous for encouraging them to aproach their teachers for councelling. This application contains features like reporting a student for ill behaviour such that bad behaviour is discouraged.

VR Search

This is a Search box based on Aframe Js created to be seen in Virtual Reality. The search results are fetched from Geegablast api. This application can run in browser with WebGl support and will need a VR headset and a smartphone with VR capability.

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This is a basic opensource wordpress theme built form scratch. This theme has wordpress support. It can be used as a reference for devoloping new themes.